Gratitude| Power of Gratitude| Practicing Gratitude| Attitude of Gratitude

I know you might be thinking that how gratitude can change our life and why gratitude is so important in our lives? In this fast-moving world, we feel sadness, anxiety, and depression in our daily life. (major anxiety and depression required professional help). It is like, they have become an unavoidable part of our life. Research suggests that gratitude can change your life beyond your understanding. 


Let's create our own life with the expression of Gratitude.😄

Now the big question is what is Gratitude? and how do we do gratitude practice?

Meaning of Gratitude:

Basically, the word gratitude is derived from the Latin word Gratia, which means gratefulness or grace. It is the feeling of appreciation and thankfulness. We normally think that gratitude means saying "thank you" but it is more than that and extremely powerful beyond your understanding. 

It is a heartfelt and deeper appreciation for something or someone in your life. By saying heartfelt thank you attract the things you are grateful for. 

Thank you

Thanks becomes a very common word nowadays and we normally use this word everywhere. We frequently use the word thanks to display our gratitude when someone does something for us or gives us what we want. But what about the rest of the things? We have so many things in our life for what we have to be grateful for. 

Power of Gratitude (Attitude of Gratitude):

Gratitude is a very powerful process to shift your energy level to attract more what you want in your life. It will bring you the things you want in your life. You can not even imagine how miraculously this works for you. 

In gratitude, we will show appreciation or we give thanks for the things we have or for someone we have in our life. When we say thank you for that things, we will attract more these things in our life. When we say heartfelt thank you, at the same time we feel the joy and happiness and so the universe will give you more reasons to be happy. 

Acknowledge the good things

"Gratitude helps us to see what is there instead of what isn't. "

Sometimes we never see the things we have in our life and start making complaints about the things we don't have in our life. Gratitude helps you to see the things that you have in your life. With the help of gratitude, we can see the beauty of the world around us which we never see. Giving thanks or gratitude is normally and greatly connected with greater happiness. It helps people feel more happy and positive emotions. It also helps to improve their health. 

"Being thankful gives you huge benefits on your quality of life. "

When we are thankful for the things we have, we attract the same things in our life. When we are thankful for the things we have, we receive more of these things in our life. It works like what you think, What you attract and you will receive the same. How happy you are now, how enjoying you are now, you will attract the same and receive the same. So be happy always in any situation and you will attract more happiness. If you feel sad and depressed, you will attract sadness and depression and receive the same too. 
Be thankful for what you have

So start daily gratitude practice to attract more happiness.

Daily practice of Gratitude: 
If you want to change your life and attract the things you want, then start a daily practice of gratitude to live a positive and happy life. So if you don't know how to start a gratitude practice then we have one simple way to start your gratitude practice.

Every night before you go to sleep, say thanks for the wonderful day. You can say like, "Thank you Universe for such a wonderful day". At that time you should not think about how your day has gone. Whether it was good or bad, but you have to say simply thanks for the day. The reason behind that is your day has gone, now you cannot change it. But you can change your next day. You can give intentions for the next day. If your day was bad and you continuously think about that, you will attract the same. So at the night before you go to sleep, say deeply thanks to Universe for the day and give intentions for the next day. 

You can give intentions like, your next day is going to be the luckiest day of your life. It is filled with love and joy. Your day is going to be perfect and easy. You are feeling very happy. You can give all the intentions you want and then sleep. The next day before getting out of bed, Say deep thanks to the Universe for the wonderful day and again give the same intentions which you give at night. And then say thanks as if you have already received it. 

This is a very simple way to start your gratitude practice and also change your life. This works like magic. You will feel that you have the power to create your life. 

So start your daily gratitude practice and If you will start this simple practice comment to me that Yes I will start. 😀

Thank you

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