Why Meditation is necessary


what is meditation


When we talk about Meditation, the first thing that comes to our mind is that meditation means sitting alone with crossed legs for hours but meditation is more than that. In fact, Meditation is a mental exercise that involves focus, calmness, awareness.

Meditation means giving your full attention to one thought or activity with a relaxed body. It is a perfect mental practice that gives calmness and rest to our mind like we exercise for our fitness. This mental practice helps us to improve physical health as well as mental health.

One common thing from all of us was that we were never taught about how to gain inner peace. we always search for peace and happiness from outside sources that are from our job, study, relationships, etc.  That's why we remain strangers to ourselves and never get peace of mind. But the fact is Peace of mind comes from the inner world, not from the outer world.

There are so many things running in our minds, you can control them with the help of meditation. When you meditate your mind is fully awake, alert, clear, relaxed, and not focusing on the external world. Meditation actually needs an inside state and when our mind is silent it no longer distracts us. So Meditation is like a skill and it takes continuous practice to get comfortable with your mind.


Simply meditation does not mean that you become a different person or a greater person. It is a practice of improving awareness, changing perceptions, and getting a healthy version of yourself. you are not trying to cut off your thoughts or putting aside them, but you are trying to observe them and you may start to understand them well.

Meditation is very simple. Mostly we think that Meditation starts with sitting in a quiet place, closing your eyes, calming your mind, and starting to concentrate on your breathing. But there is more to sitting quietly and breathing. when we meditate if thoughts come into our mind then attend it and pass it. Of course, meditation is not about stopping our thoughts, we are going to do practice to observe them without getting caught up in our thoughts. Each time we notice we were distracted, we build our awareness and bring our attention back to the breath. With the help of this practice of meditation, the mind becomes comfortable with the idea of sitting still, we can improve our quality during mediation practice awareness, focus, calmness, mindfulness. 

meditation is necessary


Meditation is simple as people think about it, Meditation is powerful and worth it if you are following these simple processes of Meditation:

Step-1: Decide the time and place: The best time for meditation is when you feel free means there are no other things to do and the best place where you can be comfortable where no one can disturb you. You can do meditation any time when you feel calm yourself and also you can do meditation at home or office or any other place where you feel comfortable.

Step-2: Decide a time limit: For beginners, starts meditation with 5 or 10 minutes. It is just a key to start your practice and find yourself comfortable. There is no such a time limit for meditation, you can set your time as you do daily practice for that.

Step-3: Notice your body: There are so many techniques for meditation but you can do it at your comfort level. You can sit on the floor or in a chair - all are fine but make sure that you are stable and you can stay in a position for a while.

Step-4: Feel your breath: Meditation is focusing on your breath. Just take a deep breath, stay for a while, and breathe out with the mouth. You can relieve your stress with the help of this practice of meditation.


We all have daily habits like wake up, take a bath, do breakfast, etc. We should take meditation as a  daily habit like others and we will not get it without the practice of meditation. If we are trying to start a daily practice of meditation, we may be wondering how long it takes to form a habit. 

When we are practicing meditation, we should not focus on such things as lack of concentration, coming of thoughts, etc. We should try to do a daily practice of meditation. Meditation is a simple process of giving your full attention to whatever object you have chosen. 

We can give ourselves the best opportunity to be fully awake, fully aware, and fully alive before we do anything,  by starting our day with a morning meditation. As a current fast pace of our lives, it may include a little bit of stress and people think that stress is unavoidable from our life. But with the help of meditation practice, we can get relief from stress.

Morning can be the best time for meditation because of its quiet nature. True peace is always there, but first, we try to clear our minds. With the practice of meditation, our mind is clear and we gain calmness. when we achieve calmness and peace of mind with the help of morning meditation we may start more positively about ourselves and our day ahead.


There are numerous benefits of meditation and are supported by science. Most people meditate for stress relief, reduce anxiety and develop calmness and peace of mind. When we meditate we are taking care of ourselves in ways that we might not do it before. Meditation positively affects physical, mental, and emotional health.


Reduction of stress is one of the common reasons people try meditation. Stress increases the sympathetic nervous system, causing a surge of natural stress hormones in the bloodstream, which can negatively affect the body. It can increase the risk of heart attacks, blood sugar levels, etc. When we do meditation our mind and body relaxed and we reduce stress and get calmness.


Meditation reduces stress which leads to less anxiety. It reduces anxiety as well. Mindfulness meditation reduces anxiety disorders. The basic premise of the mindfulness meditation stress reduction approach is to learn to detach from anxious thoughts and this is obtained by practicing awareness, recognizing tension in the body, and learning how to deal with difficult emotions.  


Meditation can decrease negative thoughts of the mind, such as fear, stress, and anxiety. Alternatively, it also builds new positive thoughts in our minds. There are some forms of mediation that lead to improved self-image and a more positive outlook on life. It can reduce symptoms of depression. Meditation is the best way to develop a stronger understanding of ourselves and helping us to grow into ourselves best.

The bottom line:

Meditation can help to improve your mental health and emotional health. Anyone can do it anywhere and anytime. 

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