Positive affirmations: Definition, how they work, how to practice and examples

"It is so tough to find a better job."
"I will not get anything smoothly in my life."
Most people have these types of negative thoughts in their minds many times and when they have these types of thoughts their mood, mindset, and confidence also become negative. Our negative thoughts become our prediction that this will surely happen. We talk ourselves with the belief that I am not perfect. Because of these thoughts, our personal lives, relationships, and outlook become negative too. In this article, we will learn how we change our lives by using positive affirmations

I attract all good things

Nowadays we almost heard about these positive affirmations. It looks strange but just telling yourself positive affirmation will definitely give you effective results. If you have never tried it, just try it, and then you will realize that why this topic become so popular. 

What are positive affirmations?

Today I am filled with positive energy

Positive affirmations are just simple positive phrases or statements that can help us to challenge negative thoughts. Positive affirmations are so easy to practice daily. When we repeat positive affirmations, we believe in them and we see the positive changes in our lives. Practicing positive affirmations can be very easy. We just need to do is choose one statement and repeat it. Also, it requires daily practice at least a few minutes daily, if you want to see the results. Positive affirmations are widely accepted in psychological studies. 

We may choose positive affirmations to motivate ourselves or we can use them to boost our self-confidence and self-esteem. If our self-talk is constant negative, we can use positive affirmation to rewire our brain. Positive affirmations shift our focus towards our strengths. It can use as a tool to change our mindset and achieve our goals. 

Do positive affirmations really work? why?

Yes, It is scientifically proven that positive affirmations really work. The widely accepted and well-established psychological theories are the basis of the practice of positive affirmations. 

As per neuroplasticity, our brain has the ability to change and adjust to different circumstances throughout our life. We have to check whether our thoughts are on right track or not. Because our thoughts will run on the same track we normally go. If our regular thoughts are negative then our thoughts will run on this track only. The more we use the same track, we easily and automatically get. So if we practice positive affirmations, we will create positive tracks. This is the way positive affirmations work. 

Positive affirmations are helpful in developing an optimistic mindset. If we are able to deal with negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones, we can easily create a more adaptive and hopeful mindset. 

A self-affirmation theory is another theory behind positive affirmations. It mainly focuses on the theory of how we accept the information and experiences which are threatening to our self-perception. The most important thing in self-affirmations theory is our affirmations reveal our core values. By repeating what we believe in positive ways, we can maintain our morals or self-integrity.

The visualization technique is also helpful if we practice positive affirmations. This technique is helpful as we imagine the image regarding the positive affirmation we are repeating. Our mind is not much great that makes the difference between reality and imagination. If we regularly repeat these positive affirmations, we motivate our minds to take these affirmations as reality. If we positively believe we can do something, our actions will also follow.

Positive affirmations show excellent results but sometimes, they will not work. Positive affirmations require consistent practice. Without constant practice, positive affirmations will not work. And second most important require thing is self-esteem. If we do it with low self-esteem then it will not work. Positive affirmations work miraculously with people who have high self-esteem. If you are under stress, depression, and anxiety, and also if you have low self-esteem then affirmations will not work for you. One simple tip I want to give is When you practice positive affirmations, do meditation before that, which helps you to calm and relax your mind. So that you can easily visualize and concentrate on your affirmations. 

When to use positive affirmations?

Normally we can practice positive affirmations daily because it gives amazing results but If we want some big and positive change in our lives, we can practice it daily. It will help to boost our self-esteem and challenge stress, anxiety, and depression. It doesn't mean that those who have a high level of self-esteem will not do that. You can practice it even you have high self-esteem. It will help you to develop more great attitudes and more you improve yourself. The result of positive affirmations is unlimited. 

A few direct benefits are listed below:

  • Will increase positivity
  • Will increase self-confidence
  • Will decrease stress and anxiety
  • Will decrease the level of depression
  • Will improve mood
  • Will improve productivity
  • Overall it will lead to better health
How to practice positive affirmations daily?

Positive affirmations
As I said earlier, Positive affirmations work amazingly with daily practice. If you want to see the long-lasting results of positive affirmations, you need to practice them on daily basis. Try to make it a habit to practice them. 

At first, you need to make positive statements. Be careful while you are doing this. The statement you have created is based on your values and based on your exact needs. You can also google it because positive affirmations are now a very popular topic. You can get fresh ideas and statements regarding your needs. There are numerous statements available regarding different topics like health, prosperity, and gratitude. 

After choosing your statements, you need to practice at least 3 to 5 minutes twice daily. First, after you wake up and second before bed. If you are a beginner then you have to try it for at least 5 minutes twice a day. The number of affirmations is based on your choice. You can try 2 or 3 statements or only 1 statement but try to visualize it along with your practice. Make sure that your statement and visualization are matched with each other. 

While you are practicing it, one thing to keep in your mind is that this takes time. So don't panic, have patience and keep your practice with full faith. 

Example of positive affirmations:
  1. I am so grateful for what I have in my life.
  2. I am filled with happiness and gratitude.
  3. I am grateful for the beautiful and healthy body I have, that continues to get stronger every day. 
  4. I am open to receive more opportunities.
  5. I am worthy of the good things I have.

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