How to be happy in life

Yes! It is possible to be happy

We often think about how to be happy in our life. We have such belief that stays happy is impossible every time. But I say that it is possible to be happy every time. In this blog, I am sharing some very simple tips to live a happy life.

Happiness comes from within

We all want happiness in our life. Actually, happiness is the thing that everyone wants but we exactly don't know how to be happy. We may find happiness from external sources and sometimes our happiness depends upon some situations like having wealth, relationships, or health and anything we have or desire to have. But this thing gives you happiness only for short time or may be temporary. The truth is that true happiness does not depend on external sources.

True happiness comes from inner sources or comes from within. Our happiness does not depend on any situation or any person but it depends on whether we are happy or not. Whether we have many goals in our life, some we have achieved or some we want to achieve but in the end, we want to live a happier and more satisfying life. Sometimes when people do not find happiness in themselves they will find happiness from other sources and it may be harmful to them.

I think to be happy is the best feeling in the world and we all should experience that feeling.  You and only you can only be found happiness within and this is the one and the only key to find happiness. There is not possible a person or money can make you happy. Happiness is not something you achieve overnight, we need to develop some habits. We need to cultivate positivity and neglect negativity in our life.  

Luckily we have some habits that you need to practice in your life. And I think these are not just habits but these are the necessity of our life if we want to be happy every time. 

5 ways to be happy

There are 5 habits we have to implement in our life:

1) Eliminate negative thoughts

2) Practice self gratitude

3) Achieve a positive mindset

4) Enjoy yourself

5) Be more humorous


Let's understand them briefly:

1) Eliminate negative thoughts:

Negative thoughts can make it difficult for us to feel happy. As we see the world through our mental outlook, If we have the majority of thoughts negative, our outlook to see the world become negative. And as a result, this negative attitude impacts all of the things in our life, including career, physical health, mental health, relationships, and more. So we can not feel happy with this negative attitude. We need to eliminate negative thoughts by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Also, we need to learn how to achieve a positive mindset.

Our happiness depends on our thoughts. If our thoughts are negative we cannot feel happy but if our thoughts are positive we can feel happy. Negative thoughts keep us unhappy and unable to move ahead. Replace your negative thoughts and make positive affirmations to yourself. 

You can try to replace your negative self-talk with positive ones. You will feel good and happy about yourself and everything going on in your life if your self-talk is positive. Accordingly, you feel happy. The simple way to turn negative self-talk into a positive one is to write down some positive self-talk quotes on paper and stick them where you want. This will help you to remember to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Eliminate negative thoughts

2) Practice self gratitude:

If we want to be happy then self gratitude practice can change our life. Practice self gratitude helps to rebuild or restore the mind and body to think more positively. It helps you to focus on good things in your life and you will probably think less about the things that depressed you. Gratitude is all about the practice of being thankful for life, people relationships, or yourself. And it is proved that gratitude practice reduces stress, anxiety and lowers the level of depression. 

As I said earlier there is a clear link between happiness and gratitude. Happiness is about how good you feel and also how satisfied you are with your life.  Research shows that being thankful increases physical health and mental health too. Practice gratitude has a strong and positive impact on overall psychological well-being. It increases to build up positive emotions, increase confidence and make us more cheerful. As a result, we feel deep happiness.

Do practice gratitude regularly or make it a habit. Keep a journal and write down a few things that you are grateful for. It is a very simple and most popular exercise to do. Start and end your day with gratitude is also a simple way to do it. Start your day with gratitude helps to increase happiness and productivity. If we want to start practicing self gratitude, we have to add these three lines in our journal: 1) Thank you for the new day 2) Thank you for the wonderful life 3) Thank you for what I am 

Be grateful

3) Achieve a positive mindset:

If we want to live a happier life, we have to achieve a positive mindset. We can boost our happiness by focusing on good things and reducing our negative thinking. Our brain is continuously observing our mode of expression and if a majority of our thoughts are negative, our mind will create stress and sadness in our bodies. The exact opposite thing will happen if a majority of thoughts are positive, our mind will create relaxation and happiness. 

There is another way to achieve a positive mindset is to pay attention to yourself. And these things involve increasing positive self-confidence and self-love. We also need to pay attention to our positive qualities and strengths. As I said earlier, our inner self-talk must be positive if we want to achieve a positive mindset. We also spend time with people who have a positive attitude. We can also read positive books or positive articles. 

4) Enjoy yourself:

If you want to enjoy yourself, you should have fun every day. You should make a list of activities that make you feel happy and also make time to do that. This will help you enjoy life more. Actually, most of us think that enjoy yourself is likely a very difficult task because we may depend on external factors. There are many types of activities such as playing your favorite game, playing your favorite music, cooking your favorite dish, reading your favorite book, watching your favorite movie, etc that you can do if you want to enjoy yourself.

We are living in a world where we have full of pressures, tensions, and so many problems. Along with that, we focus on the goals we want to achieve and working at a fast-moving with success. So if we did not take a break and did not enjoy ourselves, there is a risk of poor health, weakness, sleepiness, and lack of energy.

5) Be more humorous:

Being naturally funny is really a skill and we can learn it. Actually, laughter is likely to spread to and affect others. So if we carry ourselves in a more humorous way people will be more able to laugh. If we want to become the happy person we must have a sense of humor. And it may come naturally for some people while some people may have to learn it. 

It is very important to be humorous because it is a very exact way to convert something bad into something good. And we are sad or unhappy we are likely to be surrounded by people who can make us laugh. Sense of humor can improve our mental health and physical health too. So I think being funny is probably the thing we can do for our health. And there is no question that humor improves our overall quality of life. 

If we want to be more humorous, we can try smiling and laughing more. Actually, humor has the ability to switch human moods and take us out of depression. It can help us to feel calm and relaxed in a serious situation. As we experienced stress and tension in our lives, humor can help us to cure it. 

Be more humorous

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