6 most powerful tips on how to destroy your fears and build your confidence




Do you remember sometimes you really wanted to do something but you did not do that? What was the reason? Why you changed your mind? Because the voice inside your head stopped you. It tells if you try the chance of failure will be higher than the chance of success. This inside voice is called fear. In this blog, we will know about fear and how to destroy your fear.

We all have a variety of emotions and fear is one of them. Fear can be a natural and very powerful emotion. Fear notifies us when there is a presence of danger or the threat of harm and sending signals that activate the nervous system. Our bodies respond in a particular way when we face an observed threat. The physical response to fear includes heartbeat increasing and rapid breathing while the emotional response to fear is personalized. It can stop us from making progress in our lives and also cause us to question ourselves as a result we will face low self-esteem. 

There are some effective ways you can try to destroy your fear and build your confidence.

1) Understanding your fear:


The first step to overcome your fear is to accept and understand your fear. It is perfectly fine to have fear. We all may experience fear when we started a new job or business, the first day of school or college, or the first time when we meet someone. Sometimes fear may not be long-lasting, It comes and goes. But when fear affecting your daily lifestyle, it is time to take it seriously. If your fear is defeating, you may be suffering from your ability to function and also experience nervousness or anxiety. 

When you notice things about your fear, this awareness helps you overcome your fear. Recognize your fear and see how much they have affected your life. Fear may cause intense anxiety or panic. Sit quietly at one place for a few minutes and perceive your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. write down anything that seems important. The main point is learning all about your fear gives you an idea of how to manage it. 

2) Positive Imagination:

Positive Imagination

Sometimes we are our own critics. Our self-talk or imagination gives a major effect on us. It gives you either the power and strength to think differently or it becomes your weakness. It can be harmful when it causes you to think about negative things. It may be making your situation look more dangerous than it actually is and also it can maximize your fears. When we imagine things, our brain attempts to pretend the responses that would happen if these situations truly happened. As a result, we experience thoughts and emotions related to those that would occur if the situations were actually occurring to us right now. 

Don't let your imagination run away, try to use it for overcoming your fear. Here are some ways to control your negative thoughts. You can train your brain to reject negative thoughts and stopping them. Release those images or thoughts from your mind and do not allow them back in. Remind yourself to stay positive every day and you should focus on aspects of your life that promote happiness and positive thinking. You should also try meditation practice that can improve your control over your thoughts by focusing on the mind. 

3) Visualize yourself as unafraid:

Visualize yourself as unafraid

Basically, The Visualization technique is a relaxation technique in which you imagine a pleasant scenario. You can visualize yourself overcoming your fear, which can ultimately translate to real-life success. If you performing yourself with confidence and effectiveness in an area where you are fearful by visualization, your visual image will automatically be admitted by your subconscious mind as directions for your performance. 

You should take 10 to 15 minutes before bed each night to visualize yourself overcoming your fear. You will find yourself becoming calmer in real life if you are regularly facing your fear in your mind. Choose a place where no one can disturb you so it will be easier to concentrate on your imagination and sit in a comfortable position. Now close your eyes and start imagining. If you can imagine yourself calm and relaxing, this can help begin the body's calming response. If you try this regularly, you can train yourself to respond calmly to stressful situations. 

4) Use Mindfulness Practice:

Use Mindfulness Practice

We all listened about mindfulness but what actually mindfulness is? Mindfulness is a peaceful mental state performed by focusing one's awareness on the present moment. Mindfulness helps you to become more aware of your fear. Research finds that mindfulness can help fight your fear. Through mindfulness practice, we train our minds to observe unpleasant and fearful situations or thoughts without getting caught up in them. We become more aware of when fear creeps in, we are better able to manage them. 

Mindfulness is a meditation technique in which you focus your awareness on the present moment by just recognizing your feelings or thoughts without trying to change them. We are simply observing our experience. We may notice the thoughts that appear in our minds before, during, and after our experience of fear. And when we mindfully allow these thoughts, we gain awareness around our fear. Practicing mindfulness can help you to react to your fears in more rational ways. 

5) Try deep breathing:

deep breath

Deep breathing is a very simple but powerful technique. When stressful situations arise, we will start short breathing. This will cause a number of negative reactions in our bodies, which quickly convert them into anxiety attacks. The key to overcoming those fast anxiety attacks is the practice of deep breathing. Taking a deep breath is certainly connected to the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the fight-or-flight response. 

It is just a simple breathing exercise where inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Keep your body relaxed. Exhale slowly through your mouth and repeat this exercise for several minutes. When you do exhalation, imagine that your body releases all your fears and stress. 

6) Practice Gratitude:

Gratitude is the best way if you want to overcome your fear. It is very difficult to experience fear and gratitude at the same time because they both are exactly opposite from each other. If you develop a gratitude practice, it will not change your fearful situations but it will change your outlook. You will see a brighter side of the struggle.  

Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions or thoughts and also improves your physical and mental health. It is actively associated with greater happiness. 
If you constantly tell yourself that things are excellent and worthy of gratitude, you will believe in them. This makes you happier and reduces your symptoms of fear in the long run. 

At the end:

I urge you to use one or more of the above strategies when you feel a fearful situation. It will change your association with fear.

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